Online personnel planning for medical practices

The team-oriented online personnel & resource planning, time recording and evaluation for paper shift medical practices makes your practice management fast, cost-effective and secure.

Human Resources Management for Medical Practices with Papershift

Simple and efficient service and resource planning

Service, space and task planning in one

Add your MFA to the roster according to their availability and assign them workspaces, e.g. treatment room, too. This way, your employees know when, where, what to do at all times and you always keep track of current personnel planning in your practice. In our video we show you how best to do this:

Tutorial: Service Planning in Doctor’s Offices

Holiday Planning & Absences

Give your employees the opportunity to apply for leave and absences on their own. All you need to do is confirm or reject them, with Papershift notifying you immediately of any scheduling conflicts.

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Digital time recording flexible and individual

Papershift offers you a wide range of possibilities to record the working hours of your employees. Choose between the automatic time recording via roster, the browser clock, the stationary tablet clock app and the mobile clock app. In addition, you can flexibly decide for each employee how the time recording should be carried out.

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Papershift turns your practice into your team

Papershift focuses on team orientation: we are convinced that employee integration is the key to efficient personnel planning. For this reason, Papershift offers a wide range of options for employee integration, from the filing of availability, to applying for shifts, shift exchange and time recording.

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Doctor’s offices successfully organize with Papershift

Your live demo: free and tailored to you

Discover Papershift now live and in color. In a personal live demo, we present our software to you and deal specifically with your individual application.

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