Simplifying Leave Request & Approval System at Towerhouse LLP

Towerhouse LLP is a team of specialist lawyers representing diverse sectors. They have a multi-disciplinary approach, bringing together leading experts in law, economics, policy, and practical day-to-day knowledge of the regulated sectors. One of their key areas is to advise on competition law and regulatory investigations.

Towerhouse LLP was previously using a spreadsheet to keep track of staff leave, and this was taking up a lot of time to constantly check and update.

With Papershift, employees can now request any kind of leave from their computer or the mobile app, and view who else is off when looking at potential holiday dates.

This can then easily be approved by the relevant person, notifying the employee and automatically updating their annual leave allowance.

We previously used an excel spreadsheet to manage our absences and it was a nightmare – it just didn’t work with so many employees. It’s so much easier with Papershift and it has definitely saved us so much time and effort.

Rachel Hutchinson - Office ManagerTowerhouse LLP

Staff leave planning made simple with Papershift


Instead of having to ask how many days’ holiday allowance are remaining each year, this is visible in each employee’s Papershift account.

Could Papershift help with your staff leave planning? Request a demo here.


Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash